By 2017, the seven projects described in the revitalization plan will bring residents, businesses, government and the university together with heightened energy and creativity. The projects are designed to demonstrate that DeKalb is business friendly, attractive to potential students and residents, and encourages the growth of all its residents. Thus, each project has entry points for multiple potential participants ranging from major employers to school children. In addition to focusing on these segments of the economy, each project had to offer opportunities to multiple segments of the population. Therefore, it was decided to focus on four segments of the area economy: the arts, local foods, education, and high technology.

In selecting projects to include in the plan, the team focused on DeKalb’s current strengths and challenges. The goals are either supported by the projects or they will be outcomes resulting from the success of the projects.

Based on these goals, seven projects were identified to move the community towards achieving its vision. Thirteen specific goals support the vision. DeKalb’s leaders are diverse, visionary, and adaptable, and work together to continue to grow our city. DeKalb’s residents, businesses, government and university community are engaged in a dynamic interplay of energy and creativity that retains and attracts businesses with living-wage jobs. The vision adopted by the ReNew DeKalb ABC team is as follows: VISION: DeKalb is recognized as a 21st century community with a thriving university and a vibrant downtown.
The information gathered was used to create an overall vision and set of strategic goals for the city and the ReNew DeKalb ABC team. In all, hundreds of community members identified assets, gave criticism, and provided suggestions to enhance the quality of life in DeKalb. Additionally, more targeted input was elicited from student groups and community leaders. As a first step towards creating a long term vision, the city and university partnered to hold a number of ‘community conversations’ at various locations around the city to elicit input from community members about the future of DeKalb. The ABC competition has energized business and civic leaders to join them in a community-wide effort to envision a vibrant community with entertainment, employment, and business opportunities for all residents. The new leaders realize that their futures are linked, bringing a new commitment to cooperation between the city and university. Over $350 million in public and private investment, a new mayor and a new NIU president have DeKalb poised for success. 68 Mark Eddington, District Manager, DeKalb Sanitary District. 67 Jennifer Jeep Johnson, Vice President, DeKalb Area Arts Council. 65 Jill Tritt, Chair, Board of Directors of the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce. 64 Douglas Moeller, Superintendent, DeKalb Community Unit School District 428. 63 Thomas Choice, President, Kishwaukee College.

Robert Pritchard, State Representative, 70th District, Illinois House of Representatives. 60 Doug Baker, President, Northern Illinois University. 47 Chapter 4: Relation to Vision, Goals, and Best Practices. 17 Arts, Culture and Entertainment Corridor-The ACE Corridor. The findings and conclusions presented in this report are those of the NIU project team alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of NIU and/or its trustees. Questions and inquiries regarding the contents of this report may be directed to Mim Evans ( ). Northern Illinois University Center for Governmental Studies Competition SponsorsĪ Revitalization Plan for DeKalb, IL was prepared by Mim Evans and Brian Richard of the Center for Governmental Studies at Northern Illinois University at the request of ReNew DeKalb. The America’s Best Communities Competition A Revitalization Plan for DeKalb, IL NovemPrepared for